Saturday, May 31, 2008

got me thinking

Why in the world did I work again? Well at least for the time being. I must be crazy since my hubby was fine with me being stay at home mom. He said moi does not need to work until its necessary or until I get into nursing school. After that I have the option to work part-time. It is vital in our family that one remains flexible for Nathan. As kids goes they don't make appointments on when they get sick. Nor the school plan their calendar around your family's work schedule. So being that hubbys' career is more demanding and commands more moolah it was only reasonable that I lay low. Don't get me wrong though I don't feel like a push over. I don't feel like I'm taking a sideline for not having the high power career. I like laying low. Sure at times I wonder what it would be like traveling the world for work or being involve in some lucrative deal. But I have a son now and priorities changes. Besides I am sure the idea of a nanny taking care of my child in my absense does not sit well in my conscience.

So for the next four weeks I will be working. Then we are moving again to a different city. This time to be closer to hubbys work at the same time still close to our extended family. The school system isn't bad either. The house purchase will wait for now. We need to save more and be less impulsive on material things (like shoes). Althought the impulsive part probably just applies to me. I can't wait to start working as nurse. Demanding but rewarding.

I am beat. My feet are killing. Back to my book so I can fall asleep :)

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