Wednesday, May 28, 2008

working again...

I went back to work for a little bit. The whole stay-at-home mom deal was driving me insane. Without Nathan for the most part of the day I'm here spending time with ME. Althought with all the errands I have to tend to sometimes I find myself on the road all day. Before you know its time for me to pick up Nathan.

So an event came up for a high end retail store nearby. Since I worked for them during the holidays why not work for a little bit this summer season. I got a different position and department this time. I would like to experience something different since I'm the kind'a gal who gets bored easily.

Now i'm back to be the working mom. Although my DH pointed out that he's not sure its worth my while to work on weekends for certain pay. Well as long as I get something and I do get to interact with people thats fine by me.

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