Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the move

Our move to Arcadia has been slow process altogether. For one it was me and Will moving everything in our apartment. We did get some help from my brother-in-laws for the big major items such as the couches. I would rather get a new one, something smaller to fit better in our new living room. Unfortunately, that has to wait because we purchased a washer and dryer which cost a lot. Besides I can't seem to give the couch away because it was given by my mom so I guess the whole sentimental value aspect of it makes it harder to give away.

So far I have about 8 boxes more to unpack. The house is not even remotely close of clean. Although it could be because I'm watching the Olympics rather than unpacking. Its addicting!!

So the quest to make this place looking like a home rather than a storage area is slowly coming true. In the meantime I'll be unpausing my DVR to watch more Olympics! GO USA

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