Thursday, October 30, 2008


My Grandmother visited us this week. She recently came from the Philippines and have not seen her in 12-13 years so it was exciting to finally see her after these many years. She lives with my mom 3 hours from where we live. Last weekend we drove to my mom's house  to see my sister who is home from boarding school. Also I will be the one driving her back Sunday afternoon since my mom was working. 

I was apprehensive having her at my house. My home is where I retreat from the world, including time with my family (i.e. mom, sister, in-laws, grandma). Seeing that I have not seen her in awhile I convinced myself it was okay. At first it was interesting but then it got to me. I don't mean it in a bad way it was just odd. She cleaned my kitchen like wouldn't believe. She folded my clean and dirty laundry. She scrub every nook and cranny of my condo. I was fine until she volunteered to clean my office. I told her no and that I would do it since its my office I'd like to know where things are. I am the type of person who knows where a pen is despite the big giant pile. So rather than stay downstairs she decided to stay upstairs watching me clean my office. It was odd since I haven't had someone watch me clean before. I was a little concern i wouldn't have patient. And I'm afraid to admit I  raised my voice once or twice. I didn't mean to but I'm only human. 

My life is whirlwind. Despite my stay at home mom (SAH) status I have endless to do list that I can't seem to finish in one day. Some may wonder what is there to do trust me there is. Although I wish I am working to change the pace a bit. But for now this will be it. 

1 comment:


I am in the same "Stay at Home Mom" boat except I have to run a business too. My DH never gets why the house isn't spotless everyday. *sigh*

I need to go look at pictures of girl's with gorgeous long hair so I can get over this "chop! chop!" feeling.

I've had somewhat short hair before and liked it for awhile but then was counting down the days it would be long again. *hehe*