Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Today was a historic moment in this country. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime that a black man can become president of the United States of America. It was emotional watching him deliver his acceptance speech. Its unbelievable how this country has come together and showed the world that we are capable of change and we are not as snooty as they thought we were. Other countries always say they are more progressive than us (i.e. gay marriage for one) but tonight those doubts had been squashed. Hopefully this will renew relations with foreign countries and improve our status from the rest of the world.

I took Nathan to the polls with me mainly because he talked about yesterday. He reminded me that today is election day and that I should vote. He even went on to say that I should vote for Barack Obama because he's the best. He confidently declare that Mr. Obama is going to win and that John McCain is going to loose. I was a little surprised by his comments. I thought he learned this from school, more specific from his teacher. But after being grilled for 15 minutes and rolling his eyes he told me that no one told me to like Barack Obama. He simply formed his own opinion from watching CNN. Hmmm??? Still I was a bit skeptical. So when Will got home from work I told him about it. He too grilled Nathan only to be met with irritation and rolling of the eyes as well. To this day we are still baffled how he came up with that statement. Although I suppose never underestimate children.

Anyway, I had to drive 30 minutes to vote. Three weeks prior I submitted my change of address as well as change in my voters registration info. Unfortunately, the man who processed it at the DMV did not process my voters registration. Panicked over the idea of not being able to vote for my first ever presidential election ( at least since migrating to this country) I called the SB County to verify if my registration still belong in that county. Much to my surprise I'm still register with them. For the sake of not having my right taken away, I drove with my son who is suffering from hives and voted in Chino Hills. I am happy to say that during the voting process Nathan keeps whispering who I'm voting for. Seriously, can a Mom vote in peace without being questioned? Its enough that I get requests even when I'm in the bathroom much more less during the time when I'm voting too. I guess being a mom means you never get a rest or time out even on election day.

I watched the coverage from 3 pm up to the point where they announce who they next president will be of the United States of America. Although it was pretty obvious when JM did not win key states like Ohio, PA, or Florida. Plus he did his "I concede" speech. Now lets see what this man can do for this country. Change was what he was all for and change I will look forward too. I'm excited...and Oh I'm proud to be an American...And thankful for my Mom for bringing me and my sister here. Tonight it showed me what can be possible in this country. Nothing is of limits, well maybe the Presidential position since I"m not a natural born citizen but my son can.

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