Our Halloween started slow. The pumpkin bought at the patch a week and a half prior haven't been carved yet. My son has hold off picking the pumpkin until Dad can come with us on the weekends. Everyday as we passed the patch he would always remind me not to stop because we cannot buy the pumpkin until daddy is able to come. That weekend came and dad was able to go with us. Okay so the pumpkin he picked was a little lopsided but I promised to let him pick and my husband to hold my tongue. It sad in our living room for days until the night of Halloween.
For the sake of trick or treating we took him to the usual spot: the mall. Every year since he was able to go trick or treating we take him to the mall. Its a bit crowded and most stores run out of candy 30 minutes after the event started. We are fortunate to live 10 minutes away and are able to walk there. Finding parking is like finding a needle in haystack. Its ridiculous!! On our way there Nathan fell asleep and was a bit groggy when it was time to go trick or treating. He was able to get candies from a few stores but given upi after just 15 minutes. I think he learned that even though he gets lots of candies he can only eat 2 pieces. So what's the point right? After a stop at Lollicup for some drinks and a detour to Gamestop we decided to head home. Mall was too crowded and it wasn't as fun for Nathan as I thought it would be.
We got home and decided to carve the pumpkin. It was my first time so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Nathan picked out the pattern and I carved and clean the pumpkin. Of course dad helped by cutting the tape for Nathan to hold the pattern against the pumpkin. And the result was this :
Isn't that awesome. Now that piece of art was only awesome for about 2 hours. As we are saying goodbye to my SIL and her boys we found out that our little piece of artwork was STOLEN!!!
Honestly, who steals carved pumpkins? If they wanted candy we had tons and would happily given then some. In the spirit of enviousness or just stupidity they decided to steal. Argh!! I was upset and worst Nathan was devastated. They boy cried wondering why would anyone steal his pumpkin. Or in his innocent way of thinking: How could anyone took his pumpkin without asking him? It meant a lot to him and as small as it maybe he was emotionally attach to it. He picked it, helped carved, decided on the design, and took pictures with his cousins. To top it off we didn't thought it would happen in the neighborhood we lived in. So our Halloween started with a smile and ended with tears.
Oh the humanity!! Sometimes I wonder what has the world come to. It wouldn't have hurt me but it did because my son was devastated. And no mother wanted to see their innocent little boy so broken. And those tears is enough to make me scream to the world: WHAT THE HELL!!!