Monday, December 08, 2008

took some photos...

Oh how lovely when your one and only son spontaneously pick a flower nearby, gives it to you and says "your the best mommy ever"...I love you! My heart melted and flooded the entire city of Arcadia. I'm very lucky...

Friday, November 14, 2008

I fell in love ...

Nordstrom had this on their November catalog.. .oh so pretty. The price tag $2795.00

Gucci bag

also in the same catalog is this:


Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Today was a historic moment in this country. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime that a black man can become president of the United States of America. It was emotional watching him deliver his acceptance speech. Its unbelievable how this country has come together and showed the world that we are capable of change and we are not as snooty as they thought we were. Other countries always say they are more progressive than us (i.e. gay marriage for one) but tonight those doubts had been squashed. Hopefully this will renew relations with foreign countries and improve our status from the rest of the world.

I took Nathan to the polls with me mainly because he talked about yesterday. He reminded me that today is election day and that I should vote. He even went on to say that I should vote for Barack Obama because he's the best. He confidently declare that Mr. Obama is going to win and that John McCain is going to loose. I was a little surprised by his comments. I thought he learned this from school, more specific from his teacher. But after being grilled for 15 minutes and rolling his eyes he told me that no one told me to like Barack Obama. He simply formed his own opinion from watching CNN. Hmmm??? Still I was a bit skeptical. So when Will got home from work I told him about it. He too grilled Nathan only to be met with irritation and rolling of the eyes as well. To this day we are still baffled how he came up with that statement. Although I suppose never underestimate children.

Anyway, I had to drive 30 minutes to vote. Three weeks prior I submitted my change of address as well as change in my voters registration info. Unfortunately, the man who processed it at the DMV did not process my voters registration. Panicked over the idea of not being able to vote for my first ever presidential election ( at least since migrating to this country) I called the SB County to verify if my registration still belong in that county. Much to my surprise I'm still register with them. For the sake of not having my right taken away, I drove with my son who is suffering from hives and voted in Chino Hills. I am happy to say that during the voting process Nathan keeps whispering who I'm voting for. Seriously, can a Mom vote in peace without being questioned? Its enough that I get requests even when I'm in the bathroom much more less during the time when I'm voting too. I guess being a mom means you never get a rest or time out even on election day.

I watched the coverage from 3 pm up to the point where they announce who they next president will be of the United States of America. Although it was pretty obvious when JM did not win key states like Ohio, PA, or Florida. Plus he did his "I concede" speech. Now lets see what this man can do for this country. Change was what he was all for and change I will look forward too. I'm excited...and Oh I'm proud to be an American...And thankful for my Mom for bringing me and my sister here. Tonight it showed me what can be possible in this country. Nothing is of limits, well maybe the Presidential position since I"m not a natural born citizen but my son can.

Monday, November 03, 2008


It never cease to amaze me that no matter how long has it been since I've become a mother I will never be exempt by sudden shenanigans courtesy of my son. Today after picking him up from school, Nathan complained about itches all over his body. At first I thought he was acting up to avoid homework. It wasn't until I saw bumps all over his face and the rest of his body that I took notice. Of course children doesn't show any kind of illness unless its too late to schedule an office visit to their pediatrician. I had no choice but to take him nearest emergency room. I hate taking that route because the wait is always long. Having a 5 year old coup up in place where everyone is sick and yucky isn't exactly my cup of tea. But off we went despite reservations.

To my surprise there weren't that many patients waiting, at least 2-3 people at the most. So I was hopeful that we will be able to leave before 7 pm. Bedtime is very crucial during school night. One minute too late can make bedtime feel like getting a rootcanal without anesthesia. Its that serious! Especially when I have a child whose routine is extremely restrictive that if you missed a beat the whole bed time routine is ruined. I think he has a light case of OCD! So we register and were called to the triage station to get assesed (i.e. weight, blood pressure, temperature). Then we were led to a room in the back where I guess the non-serious cases are placed. But of course being a mother you always think that whatever you're child is having is much more serious than that guy who just had a heart attack. Okay so I'm a little narrow minded but I like my child's health to be taken as seriously as I do. It might be a little overbearing, so what! After 15 minutes of wait a very nice lady came and check on Nathan. And being that he wasn't that serious we were seen by a PA (physician assistant). As much as I hate being seen by a PA but these days ER are so swamped and doctors are overwhelmed they need someone to take off a little bit of the workload. PA's still consult doctors and they get the final say. But I guess there is that assurance you feel when its actually a doctor thats checking your child. Anyway, there wasn't really anything they could do for Nathan except give him Benadryl and steriod shots. They can't even find out what he was allergic to because that could be a myriad of tests and testing all the food in the world would be close to impossible. They suggested to keep a food diary and when it happens again we can look back at his history and determine if there is a pattern.

We went home that night unprepared for what is going to come. I lost sleep and feel like a walking zombie. I feel so drawn out that I might as well hurl in a corner and just be. Let the dishes pile, let the laundry walk to the washer (right!!), and let the food just magically cook on its own. I suppose I should be grateful because its not something terminal...God forbid! Then I would probably loose my mind.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Our Halloween started slow. The pumpkin bought at the patch a week and a half prior haven't been carved yet. My son has hold off picking the pumpkin until Dad can come with us on the weekends. Everyday as we passed the patch he would always remind me not to stop because we cannot buy the pumpkin until daddy is able to come. That weekend came and dad was able to go with us. Okay so the pumpkin he picked was a little lopsided but I promised to let him pick and my husband to hold my tongue. It sad in our living room for days until the night of Halloween. 

For the sake of trick or treating we took him to the usual spot: the mall. Every year since he was able to go trick or treating we take him to the mall. Its a bit crowded and most stores run out of candy 30 minutes after the event started. We are fortunate to live 10 minutes away and are able to walk there. Finding parking is like finding a needle in haystack. Its ridiculous!! On our way there Nathan fell asleep and was a bit groggy when it was time to go trick or treating. He was able to get candies from a few stores but given upi after just 15 minutes. I think he learned that even though he gets lots of candies he can only eat 2 pieces. So what's the point right? After a stop at Lollicup for some drinks and a detour to Gamestop we decided to head home. Mall was too crowded and it wasn't as fun for Nathan as I thought it would be. 

We got home and decided to carve the pumpkin. It was my first time so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Nathan picked out the pattern and I carved and clean the pumpkin. Of course dad helped by cutting the tape for Nathan to hold the pattern against the pumpkin. And the result was this :

Isn't that awesome. Now that piece of art was only awesome for about 2 hours. As we are saying goodbye to my SIL and her boys we found out that our little piece of artwork was STOLEN!!! Honestly, who steals carved pumpkins? If they wanted candy we had tons and would happily given then some. In the spirit of enviousness or just stupidity they decided to steal. Argh!! I was upset and worst Nathan was devastated. They boy cried wondering why would anyone steal his pumpkin. Or in his innocent way of thinking: How could anyone took his pumpkin without asking him? It meant a lot to him and as small as it maybe he was emotionally attach to it. He picked it, helped carved, decided on the design, and took pictures with his cousins. To top it off we didn't thought it would happen in the neighborhood we lived in. So our Halloween started with a smile and ended with tears. 

Oh the humanity!! Sometimes I wonder what has the world come to. It wouldn't have hurt me but it did because my son was devastated. And no mother wanted to see their innocent little boy so broken. And those tears is enough to make me scream to the world: WHAT THE HELL!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


My Grandmother visited us this week. She recently came from the Philippines and have not seen her in 12-13 years so it was exciting to finally see her after these many years. She lives with my mom 3 hours from where we live. Last weekend we drove to my mom's house  to see my sister who is home from boarding school. Also I will be the one driving her back Sunday afternoon since my mom was working. 

I was apprehensive having her at my house. My home is where I retreat from the world, including time with my family (i.e. mom, sister, in-laws, grandma). Seeing that I have not seen her in awhile I convinced myself it was okay. At first it was interesting but then it got to me. I don't mean it in a bad way it was just odd. She cleaned my kitchen like wouldn't believe. She folded my clean and dirty laundry. She scrub every nook and cranny of my condo. I was fine until she volunteered to clean my office. I told her no and that I would do it since its my office I'd like to know where things are. I am the type of person who knows where a pen is despite the big giant pile. So rather than stay downstairs she decided to stay upstairs watching me clean my office. It was odd since I haven't had someone watch me clean before. I was a little concern i wouldn't have patient. And I'm afraid to admit I  raised my voice once or twice. I didn't mean to but I'm only human. 

My life is whirlwind. Despite my stay at home mom (SAH) status I have endless to do list that I can't seem to finish in one day. Some may wonder what is there to do trust me there is. Although I wish I am working to change the pace a bit. But for now this will be it. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Customer service is a lost cause.

Me and DH purchased my first ever Mac computer. It is usually my annual present although mine came a bit early. As in 3 months earlier. If one would ask why I wanted one the answer would make my husband roll his eyes, sigh, and walk away from the room. I simply thought it was pretty which by the way how I judge wither something is worth buying or not. Never mind the top of the line specks (3.06 gigahertz speed, 4 gb ram and 500 gb of hard drive), no this lady right here bought it because it looks nice, sleek and our son liked the iPhoto booth option.

So we venture to Pasadena Monday afternoon excited that I get to take that baby home that night. Will suggested we do a memory upgrade so we did. Unfortunately, it will take 24 to 48 hours for them to install it. With a little bit of hesitation I agreed prolonging my wait. Paid and left with a piece of receipt. Sad really! So now its Tuesday at 1 in the afternoon. I called the store to check on the status. Lo and behold I was informed that it wouldn't get done until the following day. I am a very understanding lady but when you promise me a time and date then later tell me you can't because you have a lot of repairs. It may sound mean but I really don't care that the store overcompensated themselves with repairs and over promised customers. I should not have to suffer nor have to compensate for that. One of my pet peeves is when I am the customer and the person on the other line talks to me as if they gave away the iMac to me for free. So, I ask the sales  man wither he would give me an extra 10 -20% discount on my purchase and a year worth of Apple Care One added to my account. Because only then I will truly be satisfied with the service and experience I had at their Apple store. After being passed on to 3 people I finally spoke with the "store manager" (of course it could just be anyone) and informed him of my issue. He apologize and "promised" to have my upgrade done on the time it was promised to me. 

In the end it worked out. But it shouldn't have to be that ugly and stressful. It should be a great experience especially for us the paying customer. The economy is in the bad shape and I know retail sales are down. They should be down on their knees thanking me for buying a computer and giving them business. Seriously!!!


(Excuse the mess in the back, I am working on it)

I am testing to post blogs through email I wanted to see if I need to
do some editing if ever I sent it through here.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am anxiously waiting for Apple store Pasadena to call me. My DH purchased an iMac for me as my annualy gift and needed to be upgraded to a higher memory. Turn around time was 24 hours and they have until 5 pm to finish the upgrade. I am excited! The hidden nerdness comes out I mean I can play Diablo II again! And the long dreary nights are coming.

c'mon CALL ME!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the move

Our move to Arcadia has been slow process altogether. For one it was me and Will moving everything in our apartment. We did get some help from my brother-in-laws for the big major items such as the couches. I would rather get a new one, something smaller to fit better in our new living room. Unfortunately, that has to wait because we purchased a washer and dryer which cost a lot. Besides I can't seem to give the couch away because it was given by my mom so I guess the whole sentimental value aspect of it makes it harder to give away.

So far I have about 8 boxes more to unpack. The house is not even remotely close of clean. Although it could be because I'm watching the Olympics rather than unpacking. Its addicting!!

So the quest to make this place looking like a home rather than a storage area is slowly coming true. In the meantime I'll be unpausing my DVR to watch more Olympics! GO USA

Saturday, May 31, 2008

got me thinking

Why in the world did I work again? Well at least for the time being. I must be crazy since my hubby was fine with me being stay at home mom. He said moi does not need to work until its necessary or until I get into nursing school. After that I have the option to work part-time. It is vital in our family that one remains flexible for Nathan. As kids goes they don't make appointments on when they get sick. Nor the school plan their calendar around your family's work schedule. So being that hubbys' career is more demanding and commands more moolah it was only reasonable that I lay low. Don't get me wrong though I don't feel like a push over. I don't feel like I'm taking a sideline for not having the high power career. I like laying low. Sure at times I wonder what it would be like traveling the world for work or being involve in some lucrative deal. But I have a son now and priorities changes. Besides I am sure the idea of a nanny taking care of my child in my absense does not sit well in my conscience.

So for the next four weeks I will be working. Then we are moving again to a different city. This time to be closer to hubbys work at the same time still close to our extended family. The school system isn't bad either. The house purchase will wait for now. We need to save more and be less impulsive on material things (like shoes). Althought the impulsive part probably just applies to me. I can't wait to start working as nurse. Demanding but rewarding.

I am beat. My feet are killing. Back to my book so I can fall asleep :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

working again...

I went back to work for a little bit. The whole stay-at-home mom deal was driving me insane. Without Nathan for the most part of the day I'm here spending time with ME. Althought with all the errands I have to tend to sometimes I find myself on the road all day. Before you know its time for me to pick up Nathan.

So an event came up for a high end retail store nearby. Since I worked for them during the holidays why not work for a little bit this summer season. I got a different position and department this time. I would like to experience something different since I'm the kind'a gal who gets bored easily.

Now i'm back to be the working mom. Although my DH pointed out that he's not sure its worth my while to work on weekends for certain pay. Well as long as I get something and I do get to interact with people thats fine by me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


on getting this for my annual gift next year:

Its the Juki MO-735.

I know its a bit on the pricey side ($1099 to be exact) but I figured since it will be my gift for the year (i.e. mothers day, birthday,christmas, anniversary) I might as well do it with a bang. I maybe ask for a dressform to go with it. Then I'd really be the sewer powerhouse I was meant to be. Now to convince the DH.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I make six figures!!

MSN Money had this article about stay at home moms salary if ever they do get paid for the job they do. Based on calculations done by stay at home moms make:

$138,095 a year!!!!!

Makes my self-worth increase a tad bit. At least that's how I feel :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Good evening, officer!

This maybe one of the most funniest, interesting, hall of fame type of story in the years since I've been a mother. One of my dearest friend, is having her baby tomorrow (she's getting induced). She has a four year old son that needed some companion while mom is having the baby and dad is emotionally supporting mom. So fast track to an hour and half ago. They were bathing together. And as two active 4 year olds will be during bath time, there were some splashing, some banging on walls, some screaming (for fun!!), and all out giggling. In short my apartment was loud and festive. After bath they got dressed, drank milk and bedtime story. While I was reading them bed time story I heard a loud knock at the front door.
Me: Who is it?
Man knocking on the door: Ma'am open it up its he San Bernardino police department!!!
Me: *thinking* cops? why? are we getting evacuated? was there a shooting nearby??
Cops: Ma'am we got a call about some loud noises possible domestic abuse.
Me: okay
Cops: We need to see some driver's license and check out your apartment.
So comes in two 6 foot tall police officers or at least they were tall (have u seen me, little miss 5ft tall). They check the kitchen, my patio, radio in my drivers license, and one of the police officers interviewed the two 4 year olds. At first the boys were apprehensive but then Nathan introduced himself and introduced his friend to the police officers. They were talking and seem to like the idea that there was a police officer standing in front of them before bedtime. wow!! So after 5 minutes they left, I thank them and bid them a good night. When I went back to the room Nathan asked me wither the police officer was my bedtime surprise for him. *huh!* I had to break it to him that they were here to check and make sure we are all safe.
And here I am thinking my life is boring. Nope...Although it got me thinking, geez they're only four years old and cops come to my house to regulate the noise. Is this a glimpse?
Oh just too funny!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


This past weekend was one of the most heartbreaking experience I've ever had since becoming a mom. Nathan had cough starting Thursday and by Friday night he had fever. I thought nothing of it since I figure its the flu season so that might be the case. We went to Blythe to visit my mom and pick up recyles since Nathan collects them for some moolah to put in his very big bank account.

Starting Friday night when we arrived in Blythe, he had 103.2 fever. I gave him Motrin and a cough medication. He continously had fever throughout Saturday. His coughing was really bad. Once he starts coughing it seems like he has a hard time stopping. Then came Sunday when were supposed to leave town for Chino Hills. In the morning we got invited by a family friend to a birthday party. Unfortunately we all took naps and lost track of time. Got to the party, ate too much Filipino food and head back to my moms to get ready for our trip. However, we left the party too late and I just did not feel safe driving at 8 pm in the evening with just me and Nathan. That decision was probably a Gods blessing because 15 minutes after I made that decision something happened to Nathan. My mom called me out because Nathan had a nosebleed. I thought nothing of it because sometimes he does gets nosebleeds especially if he has a cold (his nose gets dry quickly). But then his nose kept bleeding. Blood was gushing out of his nostril and I panicked. What made it even worst was a few minutes after a clot came out of his nose. It looked like a giant fat worm (thats how long it was) came out of his nostril. By then I was yelling at my mom in panicked. On our way to the hospital more blood came out and more clots came out. At that point I just look up to God and ask him to take care of my son because I can't. I never felt so helpless in my life. A million scenarios came to mind and trying to block negative thoughts otherwise I'd loose it and boohoo the entire time. Anways, we got to the ER (its always a perk when your mom works there as a nurse) and was seen right away. While waiting for the doctor Nathan coughed and low and behold came this marble size clot again. By then I look at my younger sister with despair trying to hold back tears. They did blood work, urine sample, and xrays. It turns out he was super dehydrated, his hemoglobin level was ultra low (probably from the nosebleed), high levels of monocytes (which shows he has an infection), and xrays showed he has bronchitis. My heart sank but glad it wasn't something serious. The gave him an IV, two antibiotics and some Tylenol because his fever was at 104. We stayed at the hospital until 3/4 in the morning. I was beyond exhausted and my mom was like super mom because she pretty much did it all.

Today, it was a bit slow. Still had fever but he was in no mood to do anything other than lay in bed. However, he had nosebleeds again but not as severe compare to last night. I'm still worried. Tomorrow we are heading back to home and the only thing that put my mind at ease is the access to the many top Children's Hospitals in the country (CHLA, Mattel, and CHOC). I pray to God nothing happens on the road ...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

4 going on 14

These days I feel like I must have slept for 10 years, woke up and my son is now a budding teenager. I missed a decade of memories or rather blindsided by the idea that my son is no longer a "baby". It seemed like it happen so fast. I woke up and there it is - everything I say goes from one ear and out the other . The child does not even budge with one nice request. It has to be repeated over and over again. I don't know about you but that can get annoying for awhile. And I'm only human so sometimes my patience is not at its best. I feel like a bad mom or want to run to the library and read up about teenagers and how to deal with them. I remember reading on "What to Expect when you're Expecting" book and the toddler years version. It seems everyone has an idea about the terrible twos but those weren't so terrible on my end. Until three came along follow by four. Now its even more challenging because they start to think for themselves. They go to school and start making friends. It seem everything has to have reasons wither its setting the table or even brushing teeth. No logical reason from mom no action to fullfill from son. sigh! I am preplexed by this stage/point in time. I only have one child and for those that have more than one I commend your bravery and love it takes to do it all day in and day out. Right now I am a SAHM and I am surprised how time flies by so fast yet you're not even done with your list of to do's. Its breakfast, drop off Nate at school then before you know it time to pick him up and then dinner. Then there is that I-hope-it-goes-well-without-a-hitch bedtime. Moms out there can agree that bedtime can test even the most patient moms. I do not expect anything, I simply try to be optimistic..(i.e. I cross my fingers).

I am reading up on discipline, ways to communicate with children in a way that is not going to make me loose my mind. !

Thursday, February 14, 2008

3 AM ??

I should be panicking right now about now. In 6.5 hours I'm supposed to deliver 28 red velvet cupcakes decked out in Valentines musheness to my son's preschool class. Yah i know I'm nuts to even decide on cupcakes. But I thought it shouldn't be a problem since I am a SAHM and what can we be possibly doing...right??? right!!!!!!

Anways that ranting is for another day, another time. Back to the panicking part...argh!!!! okay I'm good. *yoga breaths* yoga breaths*yoga breahts* Soo, in about an hour I'll be making cupcakes running on 2 hours of sleep, prepping Nate for school, do laundry (oh yes I'm hardcore), and then just maybe nap. (so this is the part where all the SAHM with babies at home gives me the *@#$%^&*)

.....later for now

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


the chaos has began folks. Nursing school applications are just around the corner. I didn't realize that some schools deadline where just a few weeks away. And some requires my high school transcript! What the?? High school is soooo last century!! (kidding!) Anyway now I must drive to Blythe and request it. *sigh*

Recently I took in a new hobby, sewing. I've been sewing almost everyday that my husband thinks its turning into an addiction. I must say he's probably right. Besides the fact that there is not a time that I go to a fabric store and not come out with anything. Sad to say I have stack and stacks of fabric. My latest project is sewing little girl dresses for my niece Sarah. Since I've been blessed with a boy I cannot satisfy my itch to make those cute little girl dresses. One of my good friend is having a girl this May so that might be another little girl to have in mind.

Must get ready for our drive to Blythe!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


We finally went to Disneyland yesterday. Much to Will's dismay he had to come too. He's not particularly fond of Disneyland like Nathan and I. So getting him to go with us when we all know he'd rather be sleeping is a moment to be reckon with. We decided to let Nathan nap late so he can stay up for the fireworks at 9:25 pm. He napped way to long and had to scramble getting ready so we at least get there at a decent time. The drive from our house to D-land is only 20 minutes minus traffic. So we arrived at a decent time and actually saw the "Year of a Million Dreams" parade. Of course having premier annual pass Nathan has seen it a dozen times but for some amazing reason he watches the parade to amazement as if he never seen it before. My child is one true Disney fan. (of course much to Will's delight).

So we :
  • watched the parade
  • rode Astroblaster
  • ate dinner at Plaza Inn
  • watch fireworks
  • rode the carousel
  • Peter Pan Flight
  • Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
  • Its a Small World

and then went home.